
February 2025
Electrode Potentials Published by OUP
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The 2nd edition of Electrode Potentials has been published by Oxford University Press. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the science of equilibrium electrochemistry, specifically dealing with electrode potentials and their applications. This includes important information concerning equilibrium constants, Gibb’s energy, enthalpy and entropy changes of chemical reactions, and activity coefficients. The emphasis throughout is on understanding the foundations of the subject and how it may be used to study problems of chemical interest. It is aimed at students newly studying electrochemistry, either at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, and their mentors. The second edition builds on the well received, concise, and mathematically simple content of the first edition to include expanded introductory material, more problems, and worked examples, whilst retaining a direct, need-to-know approach.

February 2025
4th Edition of Understanding Voltammetry Published
World Scientific have just published the latest edition of the best-selling textbook Understanding Voltammetry written by RGC in collaboration with Prof Craig Banks (Manchester Metropolitan University). In the 4th edition, important parts of the text have been re-written for optimal clarity, recognizing that many readers will not have English as a first language. Updates to the text have been made and new material added, expanding the text whilst retaining the overall concise, to the point approach which has proved popular with the readers of the previous editions.

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