
16th December 2010
Compton Group Invent Garlic Sensor
A sensor to determine the strength of garlic for the food industry has been developed in the Compton Group.
Richard Compton and his team, including 2010 EPSRC supported summer student Ben Martindale, from the University of Oxford have made an electrochemical sensor that detects the amount of diallylsulfides in garlic.

9th July 2010
RGC Reaches 1000 Published Papers and a H-Index of 60
Congratulations to RGC on reaching the magical number of 1000 papers and a h-index rating of 60! (As measured by Web of Science.)
Many thanks to all collaborators, colleagues, as well as students past and present. Paper 1000 was on the 'Characterization of slow charge transfer processes in differential pulse voltammetry at spherical electrodes and microelectrodes' [A. Molina, F. Martinez-Ortiz, E. Laborda, R.G. Compton, Electrochimica Acta, 55 (2010) 5163-5172].

May 2010
Dr Xiaobo Ji promoted to full Professor at Central South University, China
Many congratulations to former group member Dr Xiaobo Ji (2004-2007), who has accepted a full Professorship at Central South University, China!

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