
November 2014
Visit to Micrux Technologies
Dr. Diego F. Pozo-Ayuso and Dr. Mario Castaño-Álvarez hosted Prof. Richard Compton and Dr. Eddy Barnes on a visit to Micrux Technologies in Oviedo, Spain on the 21st of November. Micrux Technologies is an SME which produces micro electrode arrays and generator-collector arrays for use by experimental electrochemists. Productive discussions and exchanges of research ideas were undertaken to advance this promising collaboration.
For more information about Micrux Technologies, visit:

June 2014
Group success at 10th ECHEMS Conference in Wells, Somerset
'Electrochemistry in molecular understanding' - June 17th to 20th
The Compton group supported this international conference with lectures from Emma Stuart, Her Shuang Toh, Patty Lee, Rita Nissim, Enno Kätelhön and Richard Compton.
Emma won joint the first prize for a student talk with her lecture 'Gold electrodes for the sensitive semi-quantitative detection of commercial silver nanoparticles in seawater media'

June 2014
Highly Cited Researcher
Professor Compton has been selected as a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher. For more information, visit:

May 2014
New York Times
An article in the New York Times has highlighted recently published work from the Compton Group (Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 9 (2014) 1132 - 1138) which suggests an explanation for the toxicity of silver nanoparticles over that of bulk silver metal:

April 2014
The wall of the main corridor in our laboratories in the Rodney Porter Building has been greatly enhanced by the gift of a beautiful piece of calligraphy by the famous artist, Pingjia Li who is a researcher and professor of Peking University. Please see for details of his work. Professor Compton and the group thank Professor Xiaojun Chen of Nanjing Technical University for this very generous gift. Professor Chen was a visitor in the group from 2013-2014.

April 2014
RGC Lecture tour of Taiwan
Professor Annie Ho of the department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University (NTU) hosted a 5 day visit by Professor Compton to Taiwan between April 12th and 18th, in which he lectured at the National Chung-Hsing University in Taichung, the National Tsing Hua University in Hsin-chu, as well as NTU

March 2014
Cover Of Chemical Physics Letters
For the second time in March 2014 a paper from the Compton group is featured on the cover of Chemical Physics Letters! The most recent is a 'Frontiers Article' entitled 'Simultaneous electrochemical and 3D optical imaging of silver nanoparticles' by Christopher Batchelor-McAuley, Kristina Tschulik and Richard Compton together with collaborators from Paris, France.

March 2014
Hot Article in Analyst
The paper “Nanoparticles in Sensing Applications: On What Timescale Do Analyte Species Adsorb on the Particle Surface?” by Enno Kätelhön and Richard G. Compton has been selected as a hot article. See:

March 2014
Cover Of Chemical Physics Letters
The cover of the March 18th issue of CPL features an article entitled " Equality of diffusion-limited chronoamperometric currents to equal area spherical and cubic nanoparticles on a supporting electrode surface " authored by Enno Kaetelhoen, Eddy Barnes and Richard Compton together with collaborators from Julich, Germany. The image was created by Enno.

January 2014
PhD studentships available

January 2014
VIP in ChemElectroChem
The paper entitled "Organic Nanoparticles: Mechanism of electron transfer to indigo nanoparticles" by Wei Cheng, Christopher Batchelor-McAuley and Richard G. Compton has been selected as a Very Important Paper by the Wiley journal ChemElectroChem. For more details see:

January 2014
Visit of Floriant Doungmene
Mr Floriant Doungmene visited from the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay (Group of Pedro de Oliveira) from January 8th - 10th and gave a talk entitled 'Electrocatalytic and photocatalytic applications of polyoxometalates'.

The title is: news