
December 2021
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Korbua has won the Thesis Award from National Research Council of Thailand for her outstanding D.Phil work in the Compton Group.

December 2021
Group Christmas Lunch returns
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Former group members and friends who are in Oxford on the 17th December are welcome to join for drinks in the afternoon/evening. For more details, please contact either Jake ( or Joseph (

October 2021
Compton Group 40th Anniversary!!!
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RGC started his independent research group when he was appointed as a lecturer from October 1st 1981 at the Department of Inorganic, Physical and Industrial Chemistry at Liverpool University. The initial ‘group’ consisted of RGC and two final year undergraduate project students Kevin Parr and Padraig (‘Paddy’) Daly. The latter was the first PhD student to graduate from the group (1985); subsequently more 100 doctorates have followed. Since 1981 the Group has published over 1600 papers.
Group drinks will be held at the White Rabbit to mark the occasion. Former group members are welcome to join!

September 2021
Ruiyang Miao wins Merton College's Dobson Prize
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Third year graduate student Ruiyang Miao has been awarded the prestigious Dobson Prize by his college, Merton. The Dobson Prize is awarded annually in memory of Sir Christopher Dobson to an outstanding Merton DPhil Chemistry student, nominated by the Merton Chemistry Fellows.

September 2021
RGC Inaugural Lecture for the Lithuanian Academy Of Sciences
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RGC delivered (remotely) his inaugural lecture on Tuesday September 21st to the Lithuanian Academy on the topic of ‘Chemical Sensors for the Ocean’ to an audience including the Lithuanian President and Prime Minister. He concluded with reflections on the internationality of science.

August 2021
ChemistryViews highlights Group's work
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ChemistryViews Magazine, the online science news magazine of Chemistry Europe, has published an article highlighting the work of Minjun (Jake) Yang and Christopher Batchelor-McAuley on the quantification of calcite in plankton.

July 2021
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences elects RGC as Foreign Member
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RGC was elected as a Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences at their General Assembly on June 22nd, 2021. The Academy was founded on 16 January 1941 and brings together the most distinguished Lithuanian and foreign scientists whose academic interests and activities are related to Lithuania. RGC will be inaugurated and give a lecture in September 2021.

March 2021
New Microscope Arrives!
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The new microscope for the OMS project on ocean health has arrived and been rapidly installed by Chris and Jake!

February 2021
RGC: a frog or a bird?
A recent unusual editorial in the Journal of Electrochemistry published by XMU in China is entitled "Encouraging more frogs in electrochemistry":

The title is: news