
Richard G. Compton

Richard G. Compton email (U.K.)
Group Leader

Helen Devenport

Helen Devenport email
Administrator of Electrochemistry Communications

Angela Whittaker

Angela Whittaker email
Administrator of Electrochemistry Communications

Christopher Batchelor-McAuley

Christopher Batchelor-McAuley email (U.K.)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Part II and DPhil in the group


Enno Kätelhön

Enno Kätelhön email (Germany)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)

Theory and Simulation

Giorgia Zampardi

Giorgia Zampardi email (Italy)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)


Sabine Kuss

Sabine Kuss email (Canada)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly McGill University (Canada)

Nano-and biomaterials for biomedical applications

Hatem Amin

Hatem Amin email (Egypt)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly University of Bonn (Germany)


Xiuting Li

Xiuting Li email (China)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly DPhil in the group


Chuhong Lin

Chuhong Lin email (China)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly DPhil in the group

Theory and Simulation

Bertold Rasche

Bertold Rasche email (Germany)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly TU Dresden and IFW Dresden

Electrochemistry on iron-based superconductors

Wallans Torres P. Dos Santos

Wallans Torres P. Dos Santos email (Brazil)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM, Brazil)


Azhar Abbas

Azhar Abbas email (Pakistan)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly University of Sargodha (Pakistan)


Yavor Novev (Trinity College)

Yavor Novev (Trinity College) email (Bulgaria)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly University of Sofia


Xue (Crystal) Jiao (St John's College)

Xue (Crystal) Jiao (St John's College) email (China)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Part II in the group


Kamonwad (Dia) Ngamchuea (St John's College)

Kamonwad (Dia) Ngamchuea (St John's College) email (Thailand)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Part II in the group


Korbua Chaisiwamongkhol (Wolfson College)

Korbua Chaisiwamongkhol (Wolfson College) email (Thailand)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Mahidol University


Yuki Uchida (Keble College)

Yuki Uchida (Keble College) email (Japan)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Syracuse University (NY, USA)

Theory and Simulation

Alex Lukmanto Suherman (St John's College)

Alex Lukmanto Suherman (St John's College) email (Indonesia)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly University of Grenoble Alpes


Lifu Chen (St Cross College)

Lifu Chen (St Cross College) email (China)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly University of Nottingham


Hannah Hodson (Lincoln College)

Hannah Hodson (Lincoln College) email (U.K.)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Part II in the group


Minjun (Jake) Yang (St John's College)

Minjun (Jake) Yang (St John's College) email (U.K.)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly Part II in the group

Solid state electrochemistry: theory and experiment

Haonan Le (St Cross College)

Haonan Le (St Cross College) email (China)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly Imperial College London


Ruochen Xie (St John's College)

Ruochen Xie (St John's College) email (China)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)


Danlei Li (Exeter College)

Danlei Li (Exeter College) email (China)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly Imperial College London


Crystal Chan (St John's College)

Crystal Chan (St John's College) email (Hongkong)
Part II Student

Nano-impacts in weakly supported media

Christopher Little (St John's College)

Christopher Little (St John's College) email (U.K.)
Part II Student


Prof. Jorg Thöming

Prof. Jorg Thöming email (Germany)
Visiting Academic
University of Bremen

Nanoparticles in environmental media

Prof. Lihua Shen

Prof. Lihua Shen email (China)
Visiting Academic
Xian University of Science and Technology

Nanoparticles, gas sensor

Atiweena Krittayavathananon

Atiweena Krittayavathananon email (Thailand)
Visiting Student
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC)


Rosa Alexandrina de Sousa Couto

Rosa Alexandrina de Sousa Couto email (Portugal)
Visiting Student
University of Porto


Yuqi Chen

Yuqi Chen email (China)
Summer Student
University of Oxford (Jesus College)

Electrochemical sensors

Xifeng Song

Xifeng Song email (China)
Summer Student
University of Oxford (Wadham College)

Electrochemical sensors

Lothar Nikonow

Lothar Nikonow email (Germany)
Summer Student
Heidelberg University

Electrochemistry on iron-based superconductors

The title is: people