
Christopher Batchelor-McAuley (U.K.)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Part II and DPhil in the group

Enno Kätelhön (Germany)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
Theory and Simulation

Bertold Rasche (Germany)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly TU Dresden and IFW Dresden
Electrochemistry on iron-based superconductors
Yuki Uchida (Keble College) (Japan)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Syracuse University (NY, USA)
Theory and Simulation

Alex Lukmanto Suherman (St John's College) (Indonesia)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly University of Grenoble Alpes

Korbua Chaisiwamongkhol (Wolfson College) (Thailand)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Mahidol University

Minjun (Jake) Yang (St John's College) (U.K.)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Part II in the group
Solid state electrochemistry: theory and experiment

Ruochen Xie (St John's College) (China)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)

Yuanzhe Wang (Wadham College) (China)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly University of Birmingham

Yanjun Guo (St John's College) (China)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly University College London
Raphael Bacil Prata (Brazil)
Visiting Student
University of São Paulo
Bioelectrochemistry, nano-impacts

Ana Stuhec (Slovenia)
Summer Student
University of Oxford (St John's College)
Fluoro-electrochemistry of artifical plankton