Thomas Doneux (Belgium)
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Formerly at Université Libre de Bruxelles
Денис Меньшиков (Dzianis Menshykau) (Belarus)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly Moscow State University
Electrochemical Simulation
Fallyn W. Campbell (Scotland)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly at University of Edinburgh
Juan Gualberto Limón-Petersen (Mexico)
D.Phil. 3rd Year
Formerly I.T.E.S.O. Jesuit University of Guadalajara
Ian J. Cutress (England)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly University of Hull
Electrochemical simulation, simulation optimisation, website maintenance and microwave electrochemistry
Edmund J.F. Dickinson (England)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Part II in the group
Simulation of fundamental electrochemical concepts
Christopher Batchelor-McAuley (Mancunian)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly Part II in the group
Rahmat Wibowo (Indonesia)
D.Phil. 2nd Year
Formerly University of New South Wales Australia
Ionic Liquids
เจนจิรา ปานชมพู (Janjira/Jane Panchompoo) (Thailand)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Stephen R. Belding (Scotland)
D.Phil. 1st Year
Formerly Part II in the Group
Electrochemical Simulation
Paulo Bueno
Visiting Academic
São Paulo State University, Araraquara
Luís Gonçalves (Portugal)
Visiting Student
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto
Eduardo Laborda (Spain)
Visiting Student
From the Molina Group, Murcia